Reciprocal Borrowing Scheme

Reciprocal Borrowing Scheme

The Reciprocal Borrowing Scheme (RBS) is a cooperative onsite borrowing arrangement among 12 academic libraries in Brunei Darussalam. Under the arrangement, faculties, staffs and students from participating institutions who are in good standing at their home libraries are qualify for onsite borrowing privileges at each other’s libraries.

The participating libraries


  1. ​​​Get the RBS Registration form from the lending counter and once completed, have your form verified and copied by the librarian before going to register at the respective participating libraries.
  2. A guarantor is compulsory for all applicants. If there is no guarantor, your application will not be entertained.
  3. Guarantors may be referred to as relevant personnel at UBD, colleagues or family members. Please provide a copy of guarantor’s IC for the library’s reference.
  4. If you wish to register to a number of libraries, please complete the RBS registration form for each participating library.
  5. To register at each participating library, present your library card or institutional card, the original RBS Form, and a copy of the Guarantor’s IC.​


  1. ​​​​To borrow materials from other libraries, always present your identification, i.e. library card or institutional card at the respective library.
  2. Be in good standing at your home library and observe the rules and regulations of the lending library.
  3. Always return materials, in person, within the loan period prescribed by the lending library.
  4. Always return materials that are if recalled by the lending library immediately, in person. (recalled items refer to items borrowed that are urgently required by another user, and must be returned immediately).
  5. Assume responsibility for all materials borrowed, including payment for lost/damaged materials, all overdue fines and other charges incurred.

Reciprocal Borrowing Scheme Policies


  1. ​Termination of RBS membership requires members to complete an RBS clearance form from the home library.
  2. Libraries must refer to copies of the RBS registration forms to check which institutions the borrowers had register with, to ensure the relevant institutions get proper clearance.
  3. Bring the completed RBS Clearance Form to each lending library that you have registered to, and clear any borrowing, fines any outstanding matters.
  4. Ensure that the form is completed and verified before submitting it to your home library for final clearance.