1) General Enquiries

1) Is there any Lost and Found in the library?

Any lost items are kept at the lost and found area at the Library Security Post, Ground Floor.

2) Can I bring food or drink to the library?

No food is allowed in the library but covered drinks (e.g. bottled drinks, covered paper cups etc.) can be consumed.

3) Can I bring my laptop and/or printer?

There is no restriction on the use of computers or printers by library patrons. Under no circumstances, however, will the University Library be held liable for any loss or damage to your personal property.

4) Where is the prayer room and the ablution area?

Follow the direction displayed on the Ground Floor.

5) Can I borrow the books on display?

Books on display can be borrowed after 14 days duration except if they are already reserved by the lecturers.

2) Library Facilities

1) Who can use the library?

The primary users of the library are the students, the academics and the university staff. The public are also welcomed to use the library for reference or research purpose only. If interested, they may apply for library external membership.

2) Are there any group study rooms in the library?

There are discussion rooms allocated for group studies:

  • Ground Floor: 1 room (4 to 6 persons per room)
  • Second Floor: 5 rooms (6 persons per room)

Keys to the rooms are available at the Main Counter. Each of the room key is bar-coded so that it can be borrowed through the library system using the UBD card. The time limit is two hours and the key must be returned to the Counter upon vacating the room, 10 minutes earlier

3) Is there a private study room in the library?

There are 11 private study rooms and 3 are allocated for PhD students. The key to each room can be borrowed from the Lending Services Counter for two hours and it must be returned 10 minutes earlier upon vacating the room

Note: For item 2.2 and 2.3, please adhere to the regulation on the use of this facility to avoid overdue fine ($2.50).

4) Does the library have a prayer room?

There are two separate prayer rooms (surau) for males and females located on the ground floor of the library.

5) Does the Library have a Homepage? Can I check my e-mail here?

The library's homepage is at http://library.ubd.edu.bn or you may access the link through the UBD homepage http://www.ubd.edu.bn to get access to the library.

Emails can only be checked through UBD web mail.

6) Can I access the Internet from the library?

Internet is freely available at the library and there are several computer labs that can be used for research and study purposes.

7) Is there any wireless connection?

Wireless connection to the Internet is available campus wide. In order to access the wireless services, you will be required to login using your UBD login ID and password. For example, if your email is myemail@ubd.edu.bn, then your UBD Login ID is 'my email' and your password will be your email password.

8) Can I use my portable computer to access the Internet in the library?

You may use your own computer in the library to access the Internet. A wireless connection to the Internet is available in the library on all floors.

3) Specialized Enquiries

1) What is Index and Abstract?

An Index is a list of citations to journal articles and/or books arranged by subject, author, or title. An index may also be a publication that you use to find very brief information on articles or books on particular topics.

An abstract is a brief non-evaluative summary of a journal article, book or other information sources, along with the citation. It may also act as a point-of-entry to any given research paper that appears at the beginning of the manuscript. Both index and abstract are now available either in print or electronic format, or both.

2) Where do I go for assistance in using the library or finding information?

A librarian at the Research and Information Services Desk on the Ground Floor helps library users find answers to questions, conduct research and use library resources effectively.

You may approach them at any time during library opening hours or contact the Research and Information Services Desk at 2463001 ext.1209 / 1947, email: reference.library@ubd.edu.bn or via chat with the librarian at the library portal.

3) Can reference books (code Ruj) be checked out?

All reference books are non-circulating and for in-house use only.

4) How do I get help in using the online catalogue?

The Reference Librarian will guide you on how to use the online catalogue. An in-depth tutorial is also conducted for individuals or a group of students every Wednesday and Saturday upon request. Go to the Research and Information Services Desk (Ground Floor) or call 4263001 ext. 1209 / 1947 for further information.

5) How do I get help using online databases (including e-journals) and the Internet?

The Reference Librarians will provide one-to-one help and assist you with the problem encountered while using the online database and other electronic resources. You can also contact them from home via chat with librarian at the library portal during the library operating hours.

6) Do students have access to library databases from home?

Most of the databases can be accessed from home provided that you have your ID and password to access the library portal.
Only Ovid Database and ISEAS eBooks are not accessible remotely.

7) Why am I unable to access databases off campus?

There are a few possibilities contributing to users inability to access the library databases.

  1. Make sure you have registered your UBD Card with the Library to get your ID and Password for access to the library portal
  2. Your card or membership has expired
  3. Network down in the Library
  4. No network at home

4) Document Delivery Service

1) What is Document Delivery Services?


Policy Statement

Document Delivery service at UBD Library provide copyright-compliant documents from both our library collection and AUNILO libraries. This service can accommodate requests for articles or documents not owned by our library, in which our library requests material from, or supplies material to, another library within a required time frame, electronically. UBD library also uses document delivery service provided by the British Library on Demand to acquire articles or documents not available within UBD library and AUNILO libraries. (Space)


UBD Library has an obligation to obtain materials to meet the information needs of registered library users when local resources do not meet those needs. Thus the Document Delivery service follow the rules and guidelines set forth by both UBD Library and AUNILO libraries. Copies for items requested will be provided in accordance with the Copyright Law of Brunei Darussalam (2013) and the relevant copyright acts used by other libraries. (Space)


  • The Library only accepts requests through its Document Delivery Service Form online & physical form

  • Only registered library members (Final Year Undergraduate Student, postgraduate students and bona fide researcher’s academic and non-academic staff) are eligible for this service, free of charge

  • A total of five (5) item per semester

  • Unused quota will not be carried forward to the next year

  • After five (5) fulfilled request, a full payment of the requested article will be charged to the requester

  • A fee paying service applies to registered external library members, who must pay a total deposit of $25.00 BND, including $5.00 BND service charge. When a request is not filled, $25.00 BND will be refunded back to the requester (what’s the difference with info below? ***)

  • Those who do not collect their DDS (physical form) within two weeks of being informed will be fined the full amount the article request and additional $2.00 BND holding charge

  • Delivery within the UBD Campus will cost an additional charge of $1.00 BND


  • Requestors must ensure that the article or document required is definitely not available at Universiti Brunei Darussalam Library.

  • Registered external members with a valid library card must pay a $5.00 BND service charge upon placing a request together with $25.00 BND deposit per request.

  • Requestors should provide clear and accurate details about the material being requested. Full citation will be helpful.

  • The citation should be verified in a dependable source so that the record is complete and correct.

  • Use the document delivery form provided through our website if the article or document is found in any of databases subscribed by the library, but the source (journal or book chapter) is not accessible.

  • The library will process the request promptly and will notify the requestor whether the request can be filled or not, depending on the availability of the item from the respective libraries (AUNILO libraries or British Library).

  • The library will email the requested article or document when it is already available.

For enquiries on the status of your request, please go to the Research and Information Services Desk or call ext. 1947 and 1209.

2) How can the library help in getting books or articles not available in the library?

The Library no longer borrows books under Interlibrary Loan (ILL). Articles that are not available in the library maybe requested through Document Delivery Services.

Click here for Document Delivery form (Link to EDS DDS form) (Give the link).

Document Delivery Service requires library users to complete the bibliographic details correctly and legibly, including stating the date required and contact number. The service is free to all UBD staff and students, but for external members, they are required to pay a deposit of B$20.00 including B$2.00 service charge for each request and if the request is not filled, B$18.00 will be refunded.

3) Does UBD Library have e-books?

There are full text electronic books available via publishers platforms, e.g. Oxford, Routledge, Cambridge, World Scientific, ISEAS and Al-Manhal. Others are available via databases, like Springer, Sage, EbscoHost, CAB Direct and ScienceDirect. Any ebooks that can be accessed in a database are purchased by the library. If not accessible, the library has not acquired the ebook.

4) I placed an article request and I want to know when it will arrive.

The library will email the requested article or document when it is already available.

5) Finding & Transaction of Library Materials

1) How do I look for a book?

The library's online catalogue (OPAC) known as e-Clik provides access to all titles in the library collection and it includes information on the circulation status of each item. The catalogue also provides other category of searches other than by title, such as by author or subject search or using keywords. Jot down the call number correctly in order to find the material you require on the shelf

2) How to access to the library catalogue from home? Or Can I access the UBD Library resources from the library portal?

Access the Library homepage at http://library.ubd.edu.bn/ or by accessing the UBD homepage at http://www.ubd.edu.bn/ then click Library. You will see e-Clik (the library catalogue) and start searching. If you want to search other library resources, sign in with your library portal ID and password and you will be prompted to our e-Resources, which contain databases, e-books, e-journals, e-references, Bruneiana Digital Collection and Open Sources.

3) What is e-Clik?

e-Clik is the name given to the UBD library's Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC), a facility that allows users to search library materials online.

4) How many books can I check out at one time? (incomplete)

Different categories of users can check out the number of library materials according to the borrowing privileges as shown below:

5) Can I reserve books online?

Before you make a request, ensure that the book is being borrowed by another user. You can reserve library materials online by selecting 'request' through e-Clik

To reserve, please follow the steps below:

  • Select the title you require
  • Click "Request"
  • Click Submit and Click OK

6) The book I want is not available. How can I get it when it comes back?

You can make a request for any item which is out on loan by reserving it online. You will be emailed when the item is already available for collection.

7) How do I renew my loans online?

  1. At the library homepage, click on e-Clik and key in patron ID and password
  2. At the list of Checked-out Items, the 'Notice' message will either show 'Review' or 'Overdue'. Action on the last row will allow you to make renewal
  3. By clicking the appropriate boxes for the items to be renewed OR by selecting "select all" for all items to be renewed, the next step is to click Renew to complete the task

On the other hand, the Library system will not allow renewing in the following cases:

  • The number of items on loan exceed the borrowing limit
  • Items are on reserved by other borrowers
  • Membership card has expired
  • Renewal can be done twice
  • Overdue items (fines are still outstanding exceeding not more than $10) can’t be renewed
  • You have overdue items in your record

8) How do I cancel a 'request' that I have put on an item?

The items on hold will be "automatically cancelled" if not collected within 4 days and arranged back onto the shelves. Alternatively you may go to the Main Counter to cancel your request.

9) Why is there a limit on the number of renewals?

Due to the demand on some books and the limited number of copies per title available, the library has to limit the number of renewals in order to allow other users to use them.

10) How do I know when a book I have requested is ready for me to collect?

You will be notified through your Account Information. If the information says "pending", you will have to wait, but if it says "pick up", you may collect the book from the Main Counter. You will also receive notification by email saying that your reserved item is ready for collection.

11) What if the book is not on the shelf when the catalogue indicates it is available?

If the book is not on the shelf, others may be using it at the time you were looking for it. Please check the 'sorting shelf' on the first floor of the library, or on the book trolleys. Sometimes it is put there after being used. If you could not find it, check again after the library staff has re-shelved the books. If you still could not find it, please ask for assistance from the library staff at Main Counter.

12) How can I find the books/articles on the reading list given by my lecturer?

Check the reading list properly. If it is a book, go to e-Clik and search for the author or title and check the year published to ensure it is the right book. Write the call number then go to the shelf to find the required book

Sometimes lecturers request the library to keep books and articles at the Red Spot collection. Red Spot items are located behind the Main Counter and can only be borrowed upon request.

If it is an article from a journal, find the title of the journal, or if it is a chapter from a book, find the title of the book from the online catalogue. Write the call number then go the respective shelves. Journals can be found at the Serials Collection on the second floor, whereas a book can be found on the first floor.

13) What does it mean when my lecturer said that his/her books are in the 'reserve' collection?

The 'reserve' collection means it is a Red Spot Collection which consists of books and articles that are recommended by lecturers to be kept specifically for a certain course for a certain period, sometimes for a whole semester or longer. This is to ensure that all the recommended materials are always available for all the students studying a particular course. The collection is kept behind the Main Counter Loan period is four hours in house use only and an overnight loan before 7:00 pm is allowed but must be returned before 9:00 am the next morning

To search for items on reserve, go to e-Clik, then click Reserve on the menu. Select the Search Type (Instructor or Course ID) you require. In the box provided, type the lecturer's name if searching by Instructor, but if by course ID, type the course code

To search for items on reserve, go to e-Clik, then click Reserve on the menu. Select the Search Type (Instructor or Course ID) you require. In the box provided, type the lecturer's name if searching by Instructor, but if by course ID, type the course code

14) Where are the specific library services/ collections located?

If the book is not on the shelf, others may be using it at the time you were looking for it. Please check the 'sorting shelf' on the first floor of the library, or on the book trolleys. Sometimes it is put there after being used. If you could not find it, check again after the library staff has re-shelved the books. If you still could not find it, please ask for assistance from the library staff at Main Counter.

15) What does each of the location codes stand for? (KIV)

Go to link (library collection)

16) How do I access my library account?

  • Go to e-Clik
  • Type your patron ID (Type 20 followed by 8 digits of your I.C. number, eg. 2001072516) and password is 8 digits of your I.C. number
  • Click submit

17) What form of payment do you accept for library fines?

The library accepts cash term only for all overdue fines. Please ensure that receipts are issued or emailed by the library staff upon payment.

6) Library Membership

1) How does the public join the library?

Those interested in becoming a member of UBD library are welcome to fill in the external membership form available at the Main Counter. The library membership form is also available online through the library homepage.

2) How do I register to become a University library member?

Fill up the Library membership form (LINK) and pay accordingly at the Library Main Counter. Bring along the completed form to the ICTC (Information, Communication and Technology Centre) for registration of UBD Card.

3) How much is the library membership fee? (KIV)

For students and staff of UBD membership is free, but for external members, the fee is as stated in the membership form. (link)

7) Information Literacy Skills

1) What is Information Literacy Skills Programme?

Information Literacy Skills Programme is organized by UBD library for new students. This to help them to familiarize themselves with what the library has to offer and gain knowledge on how to conduct research effectively in the library. It is also open to those who are interested to know more about how to use the library resources, services and facilities available in the library effectively. The programme includes teaching library users on how to effectively search library materials from the online library catalogue and how to use the related services available at the library portal, including the electronic resources. The programme is scheduled every Wednesday and Saturday throughout the year and users are required to register at the Reference Desk to book the appropriate dates and times.

2) Where do I register for the Information Literacy Skills Programme?

You can register yourself at the Reference Desk, on the Ground Floor of the Library and select the appropriate date and times from the schedule provided.

3) I missed one session of the Information Skills course and am not sure which one I have attended, where do I go for help?

Go to the Reference Librarian on the Ground Floor or call ext. 1209 / 1947 and make further arrangement with the Librarian.

4) Is ILS Compulsory?

For the Library, it is compulsory for students to familiarize themselves with library services and facilities.

5) Do I have to attend the ILS again if I have taken it during my UNI-Bridge?

Not necessary.

6) It is alright if I attend session two first and then session one later?

You can attend session two and attend session one later or vice versa.

8) Serial Collection

1) What is the collection code "Sir" on the call number?

"Sir" is a location code for all periodicals/journals which are kept on the second floor of the library.

2) How do I know what journals are available in the library for my subject?

  • You will be able to know what journal titles on your subject by searching through eCLIK.
  • Browse the category of searches and click on Subject at the drop down menu for subject search.
    • Type in the subject, eg. Mathematics -- periodicals. Periodicals represents the type of materials required, which also refers to journals.
  • Titles of journals on that subject will be displayed

3) Where are newspapers kept?

Current local newspapers can be found on the Second Floor of the library, while the back issues are kept at the Brunei Studies Collections area.

4) Can periodicals/journals be checked out?

Journals are none circulating which means they cannot be checked out of the library.

9) Brunei Studies Collection

1) What items can I borrow from BSC? (KIV)

As stated in the Brunei Studies and Special Collection (Link to Library collection)

2) How do I access UBD Thesis and Dissertation?

Physically - Thesis in print format can be used in house by completing the "Item Request Form". Only three (3) items can be used at for three hours one time. The titles can be browsed by checking the online library catalogue (e-Clik). A UBD card or I.C. is required during the transaction.

Electronically - Digitized thesis can be accessed through the library portal by selecting Bruneiana Digital Collection.

3) How to search past year exam papers?

There are two ways to search the past year exam papers:

Physically - Check the Past Year Exam Papers List available at the Brunei Studies Services Counter before requesting the print format. To request the print format, fill in an "Item Usage Form" at the Brunei Studies Service Desk where users are allowed three (3) items to be used for three hours at one time. A UBD card or I.C. is required during the transaction.

Electronically: Digitized past year exam papers can be accessed through the library portal by selecting Bruneiana Digital Collection. For a simple search, you may fill in the Course Title and Course Ref (course code) to browse the examination paper required and use the Sort List facility either by Course Title or Year.

4) Can I borrow Brunei Studies books (code KBru)? (KIV)

As stated in the Brunei Studies and Special Collection (Link to Library collection).

5) Can I borrow manuscripts or rare books out of the library?

Manuscripts and rare books are to be used in the library for research purposes only. Due to their fragile condition, written permission to the Chief Librarian is required to use them. On the other hand, selected titles have been digitized and are accessible through the Bruneiana Digital Collection via library portal.

10) Electronic Resources

1) How do I access e-journal collection?

Sign in your ID and password at the library portal. Go to eResources and select eJournals.

2) Does UBD Library have e-books?

There are full text electronic books available via publishers/platforms, e.g. Oxford, Routledge, Cambridge, World Scientific, ISEAS and Al-Manhal. Others are available via databases, like Springer, Sage, EbscoHost, CAB Direct and ScienceDirect. Any ebooks that can be accessed in a database are purchased by the library. If not accessible, the library has not acquired the ebook.

3) I seem to have a problem accessing UBD library website and Bruneiana Digital Collection. How do I go about it?

Contact the Research and Information Services staff at ext. 1209 and 1947 or Chat with librarian through the library portal.

4) How do I know what journals are available in the library for my subject?

  • You will be able to know what journal titles on your subject by searching through eCLIK.
  • Browse the category of searches and click on Subject at the drop down menu for subject search.
    • Type in the subject, eg. Mathematics -- periodicals. Periodicals represents the type of materials required, which also refers to journals.
  • Titles of journals on that subject will be displayed