BICARA GRADUAN by Dr Nurul Hamejah

Bicara Graduan: ‘Nafkah Isteri Dan Anak dalam Undang-Undang Keluarga Islam: Kajian Perbandingan Akta di Negara Brunei Darussalam dan Malaysia serta Kefahaman Masyarakat Brunei by Dr Hamejah Al-Mutawassinah Binti Metussin.

29th September 2022 – Officers and staff of UBD Library, as well as graduates, had attended the fourth Bicara Graduan, a learning program where UBD researchers break down and unfold their research or thesis content to the UBD community especially research students.

Dr Nurul Hamejah Al-Mutawassinah Binti Metussin is from Sultan Omar ‘Ali Saifuddien Centre for Islamic Studies, Universiti Brunei Darussalam.

The thesis study is aimed at reviewing the Wife and Child Marriage Act in Brunei Darussalam and the state of Sabah, Malaysia to meet the needs of contemporary wives and children.